Dual Blade --------------------- Warp to Chaed and head to Dragon Mountain to the south. This is probably the hardest dungeon in the game; and one of the last true dungeons. They should have saved this one for the end. Enter the second cave and go north. Put a bomb to the right of the lower-left bush. Take two steps right and swing your sword three times. Put a bomb down, walk one space left, put another bomb down, walk left another space, and put a third bomb down. Walk up two spaces and shoot a Fire Arrow to the right. Walk up another space and shoot a Fire Arrow right to clear all the bushes. Go through the door, get the Sonic Ring, swing to the other side, and go up. Go upstairs again and swing across the gap. Lure the monster onto the cracked floor to raise the elevator. Head south and go outside. Swing across the gap, enter the cave, and keep going down until you reach a room with a cracked floor. Skip it and go outside to get the Magma Key, then go back in and drop down to the entrance. Head back to Chaed to get healed, then take the top cave at the start. Unlock the door and go through. Push the pillar on the right up a square with the Hammer, then swing to it. Push the pillar up another square, then push the pillar to the left and swing to it. Swing to the pillar above you, then to the pole. Get the Miracle, Magic Scale, and S-pro Ring. Swing at the pillar below to fall in the lava and restart the puzzle. Push the right pillar up and swing to it. Push the pillar above you up, then swing to it. Push the pillar on the right below you down, then swing to it, then the post. Go up the stairs and head south to what is probably the second-hardest puzzle in the game. The object is to shoot the grass before it grows completely. Number the bushes like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Walk between 5 and 6 and shoot two arrows left to burn 4 and 5. Go between 3 and 6 and shoot 3. Go left between 1 and 4 and shoot 7, then use R to turn up and shoot 1. Go between 4 and 5 and shoot 6. Go between 7 and 8 and shoot 9. Go between 5 and 8 and shoot 8. Go between 6 and 9 and shoot 3. Go between 5 and 6 and shoot 4. Go between 5 and 8 and shoot 2, then use R to turn and shoot 8. Go between 6 and 9 and shoot 6. The plants will disappear. Go outside, ascend, and enter the cave. Go down the stairs, save, and go down again. Take the stairs on the right and go down to a screen with lava. Cross the bridge to the left to get the Hipower Ring and S-witch Ring. Then go down the steps and use the ice blocks to cross to the large ledge. Throw the first ice block in at the upper-left corner of the ledge, facing left. Throw the second one facing up at the upper-left corner of the dried lava. Throw both ice blocks at the upper-left corner of the lower ledge. Head up to the ledge, but DON'T go across the bridge to the right. Instead, go up and bomb the wall open for the Gorgon Rock. Go back to the room with two down stairs and take the stairs on the left (only if you're healthy). Grab the three chests for the S-mind Ring, Angry Ring, and Kraken Rock. Go back up to the room with the save spot and go up again. There is a wall with a brown stripe near the bottom. Set a bomb in front of it. Take three steps away and swing your sword. Walk back to the wall, setting bombs at each step. Set a bomb in front of the wall. When the bombs blow up, bash the wall with the Hammer. Jump down the pit and keep going the steps until you reach the World's Most Difficult Trick. The World's Most Difficult Trick is, well, difficult. Number the spaces like this: 1234 5678 9ABC DEFG HIJK D-E means to move the block in space D to space E. D-F means to move the block in space D to space F (through space E). If a block takes up several spaces, all the spaces are listed in parentheses. For example, (9D)-(DH) means to move the block covering spaces 9 and D to spaces D and H. (2367)-(67AB) would mean to move the block covering spaces 2, 3, 6, and 7 (the chest block) down one space to spaces 6, 7, A, and B. Moves are seperated by commas. Here's the solution: K-I, (CG-GK), (AB-BC), E-A, I-E, H-I, (9D-DH), A-9, (BC)-(AB), (GK)-(CG), F-K, E-F, I-J, (DH)-(EI), 9-H, (15)-(9D), (2367)-(1256), (48)-(37), (CG-48), K-C, F-G, J-K, (EI)-(FJ), H-I, (9D)-(DH), (AB)-(9A), (FJ)-(BF), I-E, K-I, (BF)-(FJ), G-K, C-G, (9A)-(BC), E-9, I-A, (DH)-(EI), 9-H, A-D, (BC)-(9A), G-B, (48)-(CG), (37)-(48), B-3, (FJ)-(7B), K-F, (CG)-(GK), (48)-(8C), 3-4, (7B)-(37), F-B, (GK)-(FJ), (8C)-(GK), 4-C, (37)-(48), B-3, C-7, (48)-(8C), 3-4, 7-3, (FJ-7B), (EI-FJ), D-I, (9A)-(DE), (1256)-(569A), 3-1, 4-2, (7B)-(37), (8C)-(48), (GK)-(CG), (FJ)-(BF), I-K, H-J, (DE)-(HI), (569A)-(9ADE), 2-5, (37)-(26), (BF)-(37), (9ADE)-(ABEF), 5-D, 1-9, (26)-(15), (37-26), (48)-(37), (CG)-(48), (ABEF)-(BCFG), D-A, (HI)-(DE), J-H, K-I, (BCFG)-(FGJK), A-C, 9-B, (DE)-(9A), I-D, (FGJK)-(EFIJ) The chests contain the Mega Shield, Holy Robe, Legend Helm, and Lizard Blow. After solving the puzzle, continue down the steps. Go north and get the Miracle, S-power Ring, and S-myst Ring (who's leaving all these rings around here?) Cut the bushes and jump down onto the switch. Cross the bridge and get the Hidora Rock. Its Triple Attack IP is one of the best. Jump down to the ground floor and swing across. Cross the cracked bridge and it will collapse. Go down the stairs and swing to the post. The column will collapse. Swing across to the right. Head around the right side of the ledges and circle around the room. Break through the door and get the Miracle, but DON'T step on the transporter, which takes you back to the start. If Artea is using his bow, switch him to a one-enemy weapon. Go back to the circular area and talk to the Elder at the top. The Fire Dragon will appear and attack. The Lizard Blow from the World's Most Difficult Trick does a lot of damage, especially its IP. The Hidora Rock's Triple Attack is also very useful. Selan and Artea should use Ice Valk. Use the Mega Shield's IP or any others that protect you from physical attacks, because the Fire Dragon is a hard hitter. After the battle, take the transporter back to the entrance and return to Chaed. Talk to the Elder and he will give you the Mermaid Jade. Take the sub to the island where you found Darbi (northeast of Chaed) and enter the cave. Open the gate with the Jade and pass through to the whirlpool to Preamarl. Buy any new stuff that's an improvement, then talk to Queen Marla. She will tell you that Dual Blade is in the shrine to the north. Leave town and take the sub up to the triangle of islands. Enter the cave in the middle and go through the gate. Talk to Marla and Piara and the Ghost Ship will appear. The Ghost Ship is a very easy boss. It can't hurt you, it can only summon enemies. Just kill of the enemies when they appear (Artea's Bow works very well for this) and keep hitting it. If you want to speed up the battle, use Firebird, but it's not necessary. After the fight, enter any of the whirlpools and continue north to the Submarine Shrine. I don't know whether it's a glitch or it's supposed to be that way, but the Submarine Shrine looks REALLY screwed up. There are weird floating pieces of wall and the entire place is black. You will see chests, but you can't get them (I used the Jewel Sonar and it said there were no chests). Just go basically north. You will have to move side to side a little. You are trying to get to Dual Blade, the four gray boxes in the center. When you get there, Daos will appear, take the sword, raise Doom Island, and destroy Chaed. Go to Portravia and talk to Lexis. He will send you to Gratze to get an engine for Excerion so he can remodel it into an airship. Take the sub around to the north side of Ustark and enter the cave near Gratze. Go into the whirlpool and you will be in the Dankirk North Cave. Land the Excerion and go through the door. Keep going up to Gratze (or, as the game calls it, '3y Kingdom). Leave the tower and the guards will capture you. You will be in prison with Berty and Bart, the thieves from Alunze. Berty and Bart will open the door. This is the last true dungeon of the game. Save and heal in the cell to the west. Go south and you will fight four Soldiers. Just hit them and have Artea use his bow. After you beat them, go back and heal if you need it, then go up. Head east, cut the vines, and break through the door. Push the one pillar that's moveable and go down the steps. Shoot the switch and get the Basement Key. Go back to the room where you broke through the wall and go north. In the next room, carry the pot over the switch. Go up and push the pillar over the switch. Swing to the column and hit the switch. Go back south and shoot the eye with a fire arrow to open the door. Cross the bridge and go up the stairs. Take the lower-right door, follow the path, and throw the switch. Go back, take the lower-left door, and swing across the gap. Get the Miracle and return to the room with three doors. Take the upper-right door and go up the stairs. Unlock the door and go south. Stand on the first switch to go left. Stand on the middle switch and ride the platform to the top. Go right and down. Ride left and then circle back around to the upper-right platform. Ride it down and walk to the exit. Go up to the castle. You will fight four Soldiers. They aren't that hard, so save your IP for the next boss. Just use Artea's Bow and hitting. You will then fight the Tank. Magic attacks are useless against the Tank, but the Hidora Rock's Triple Attack works great. Otherwise, just hit. Have Selan heal, since she's the weakest hitter. When it uses its Machine Gun Attack, cast Champion to the whole party. After the fight, you will get the Engine and return to Portravia. Talk to Lexis and he will remodel Excerion into an airship. Now you can fly by hitting A while on the ship and choosing the up arrow.