Artea --------------------- Go to Kirmo Lab in Portravia and talk to Dr. Kirmo. Agree to remodel Excerion into a submarine. An elf girl will steal the plans and run off. Walk east from Portravia and curve down around the mountains. You may encounter Green Cores here, which are tougher versions of Red Cores. They give you great experience if you can beat them before they run. Use magic. Enter the Mountain of No Return and go in the first cave. Push the horse statue on the right up a space, then walk around them. Push the pillar between the two statues, then push the statue on the right up two spaces and all the way left. Push the bottom-most statue down two squares, then move the pillar up against the left statue in the middle row. Move the bottom statue up against the right statue in the top row. Go through the door. Go up the stairs, head outside, and then back in the next door. Go up, take the stairs, and go outside. Cross the bridge, enter the next cave, and go down. Walk above the first column and head down. Push the left-facing statue down a square. Push the up-facing statue right until you're above another left statue. Push it down until it's even with a right statue. Push them both down one square and get the chest for the Aqua Sword. Push the original left staute (the one in the upper-left) up two squares. Head down to the lower-left and push the right statue up as far as you can. Push the far right statue down so it faces the lower-right column. Push the down statue down so it touches the up statue, then walk above them to the exit. If Lexis has any good Rings or Stones, remove them, then head outside. You will fight four Gargoyles. Use Ice spells (Ice Valk in particular -- it stands for Ice Valkyrie) cast on all the Gargoyles while Maxim and Guy hit one at a time. If you're having a hard time, cast the spells on just a single target until you kill one Gargoyle. If you have either the Mist Rapier or Aqua Sword, use their IP powers, both of which do big damage to the Gargoyles. If you have Champion, cast it on your whole party for easy healing. Lexis will then leave your party to plant flowers (or mostly just to make room for Artea). Artea will warp you to Eserikto, where you will find that Amon has gone to the Divine Shrine. Artea (I REFUSE to call him Arty) will then join the party. Buy him the Fry spell if you can afford it, it's very useful. Then use any leftover money to get him some stuff at Barnan. Head southwest from Eserikto to the Divine Shrine. Use Fry on any dark enemies (undead, demonic, etc.) Go down the steps to a hookshot maze. From the ledge where you start, swing to the right of the two columns above you (the ones you can swing to without falling down). Swing right and up. Swing to the left of the two columns, then swing left to a ledge with stairs. Go up the stairs for the Heart Key, then jump down and go back to the starting point. Get back to the point where you are below the small three-column ledge. Swing to the far right column on the ledge you, then over to the moveable column. Push the column up as far as it will go, then swing back to the small ledge with three columns. Go back to the stair ledge, then shoot the lever with an arrow and swing to the ledge it raises. Swing to the pillar, then to the column up and to the right, near some spikes. Go up the stairs and pick up the lower-right pot of the upper group to make the spikes go down. Go down the steps and get the Rocket Ring, then jump down. Go back to the second set of steps and ascend, but this time, don't pick up the pot. Instead, fall through the hole under the lower-right pot in the bottom group. Swing left twice, then walk to the bottom of the long ledge and swing left again. Swing down, right, right, and up to the stairs. Follow the circular path to a moving platform. Shoot the little face switch with an arrow to get it started. Go up and then head right past the torches. The wall will open. Go up the stairs. Break through the wall and play the musical notes in scale from bottom to top (middle, left, right, far left, far right). Get the final Dragon Egg. Now that you have all the Dragon Eggs, you can take them to the Egg Dragon for a wish (see the Dragon Egg section of the FAQ). Break through the wall behind the chest (there's no crack, but do it anyway) and get the Holy Whip. Continue south from the note room and open the door with the Heart Key. Push the pillars onto the switches via the Hammer and go up. Amon will appear, but Karyn will banish him before dying. Head up and stand on the blue square to increase your stats. Return to the hook maze in the basement. From the starting platform, swing to the column down and to the left, then go up and left. Swing to the pillar and push it up all the way. Swing left, then down. Walk around to the top of the room and move the pillar to the right. Walk down the long ledge and swing to the column at the end. Swing to the pillar, then up to the stairs. Get the Revive Armor and equip it (even if it's weaker; it has the very useful Revival Sleep IP, which heals everybody completely). Return to Eserikto and talk to Milka, then go to Portravia. Go talk to Lexis and get the remodeled Excerion. Lexis tells you to go to Barnan, but there's a few other things to do first. First of all, you can take the Excerion to the lower-left island and dive under the rocks, then surface again on the other side to get to Chaed. In Chaed, you can buy great equipment even better than the Barnan stuff, but it's very expensive (and I mean VERY expensive). Take Excerion underwater (there are no fights underwater) south of Seim Island, where Parcelyte is. Enter the hole you see underwater. It's the [insert unintelligible gibberish here] Cave. Explore all the branches of it for two Secret Fruits, and Zeppy, the final Capsule Monster. (Contrary to what the manual says, the Water capsule is the *last* one you get). Also, if you have all eight Dragon Eggs (you should), you can take them to the Egg Dragon. See the Dragon Eggs section.